What strange times we live in. People around the world in different stages of social-distancing, self-isolation and lock down. It's depressing to see the human toll daily. With such enormous issues to deal with, it's hard to think about launching a novel.
Publishing my novel has been a welcome distraction for me. Something to look forward to and feel a sense of excitement about. When the first boxes of paperbacks arrived, it gave me a thrill despite not being able to distribute them as I had planned. Two bookshops in Adelaide accepted books for their stock, and I'm grateful that they still could. Both Dymocks, Glenelg, and Matilda Bookshop, Stirling, have my novel on their shelves and they have adjusted their mode of operation to offer delivery to locals. They are trying to do what they can to get through this.
Living in Australia, we are practising social distancing and pubs, clubs, restaurants, and cafes are closed for dining in. We are now having takeaway coffee sitting in the car instead of a coffee or two in the cafe. It's been a good time to think (although, I'd argue it's never a bad time to think). Many talk of reviewing their lives and their priorities, to reevaluate what's important. I hope our society comes out of this pandemic stronger and better, but I fear that we will not. Even now, the focus of politicians and news is more on the economic rather than human cost.
Prior to this our health systems, public housing, disability support, aged care facilities and so many more public responsibilities suffered from under-funding. We are now learning how important they are. Yet, when we emerge from this crisis, I am afraid that these same areas will bear the brunt of recovery. Will we still focus on climate change action? Will we remember the scourge of inequality that needed to be address even before the pandemic? Or will we accept the excuse of the damaged economy to allow a lack of action. In Australia, will we remember the sports rort, or the mess of the Murray Darling Basin plan, with communities without water for months, or the fire risk due to drought? Or will we simply forget and move on. I've seen it before. Big issues, big scandals, and yet they are pushed into the background by the immediate concerns.
I would like a better democracy, one that doesn't leave people behind, that makes the Banks answerable for their actions, that stops the exploitative practice of wage theft and that truly acts to make life better for all. But to achieve that we will all need to pay attention and not be distracted by the talk of money and costs.
We've seen the best and the worst during this time. We've seen the panic buying, with supermarket shelves stripped of toilet paper, and we've seen groups band together to deliver food to the vulnerable. We've seen organisations (who in good times demand 110% from their employees) sack their staff without concern for their welfare while there are examples of organisations valuing their people and being innovative in the way they approach their new business circumstances. We've seen governments that act decisively and strongly to protect their people and we've seen denialism (just like the climate denialism) that refuses to acknowledge the science and the facts. We should remember those who do the right thing and ensure they are rewarded when this is over.
In the meantime, I will do whatever is required to stay as safe and well as possible and I hope that you will too. Take care.
Perhaps, if you are looking for a distraction or something to pass the time, and you enjoy reading political thrillers, you might give my novel a try.
It's available in both eBook and Paperback and I've added the links below for your convenience.
Amazon in eBook & Paperback
The eBook is also available from
Apple, Barnes and Noble (Nook), and Tolino https://books2read.com/u/bzoZVZ
The paperback is also available from
Fishpond - Australia
Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/deadly-secrets-h-r-kemp/1136661961?ean=9780648766308
