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Hi. I’m glad you dropped by. Let me tell you a little more about myself.

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I'm H.R. Kemp, the author of mystery suspense thrillers, Lethal Legacy and Deadly Secrets.


I live in South Australia, in the seaside suburb of Glenelg. It’s a great place for long ‘thinking’ walks (striding along the esplanade) where I dream up tantalizing plots.

Growing up in the outskirts of Melbourne, I often became immersed in my thoughts while taking long walks. There wasn’t a lot else to do out there. And, despite being a science nerd, I imagined stories that I’d then write for my younger brother’s entertainment.

But as I grew up, writing took a back seat . I studied (my first degree is a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Chemistry), pursued a career, and raised a family. The ideas and plots still circulated in my head and I scribbled story snippets that were filed in the bottom drawer, but I didn’t have the time or ‘brain space’ to develop them into a cohesive story until I took early retirement.  


I have two mystery suspense thrillers published - Lethal Legacy and Deadly Secrets - and my short stories have so far appeared in UK, US, and Australian anthologies and UK, Canadian, & US Magazines. 

I pay attention to the corporate and political world, especially the juicy bits – the scandals - and my mind often plays with the ‘what if’ questions that generate plot ideas with political intrigue. My storylines are built around the theme of vigilance, ordinary people can make a difference, and contemporary issues.

In my stories mature women amateur sleuths uncover dark and dangerous truths. They’re not the usual heroes in thrillers.

I draw on my life and work experience for my characters, and to develop storylines. I also love to include elements from my other passions into stories, especially inspirational locations from my travels. Even though my novels are set mostly in Adelaide, Sydney, and outback Australia, some of the action also takes place in Paris, Barcelona, Milan, Amsterdam, and other interesting settings. If you’re interested, the gallery page has photos (from my travels) that I’ve used for scenes in my stories. Photo Gallery


I’m a theatre buff, love art exhibitions, and movies. People tell me that Deadly Secrets would make a good movie. Let me know if you agree.


I’m an avid reader. My writing often reflects the kinds of books I like to read. 


I enjoy a range of genres: thriller, spy thriller, crime, and mystery are top of the list but I also enjoy literary fiction and a good story no what the genre. I read non-fiction, too, mostly for research, and I think it's true, non-fiction is often stranger (and scarier) than fiction. Just look at the pandemic.


The Adelaide's Writers' Festival (features in several of my blogs) is one of my favourite events and I can be found wandering in the Pioneer Women's Memorial Garden in early March sitting in on different sessions and scouring the book tent for that special copy. Given the overflowing bookcase at home (and that's just the to-be-read pile) I should probably stop buying, but I can't help myself. Some of my favourite authors, discovered at the Festival, are Ron Rash, Marina Lewycka, Tony Birch, Zoe Ferraris, and Thomas Mullen. 


You can also learn more about me from several guest posts and features by book bloggers. The links are on my news and events page


My writing process

I’m a slow writer and my novels take me years to write (and rewrite). 


I don't think I'll ever stop learning the craft and I'm pleased that my third novel is progressing. It's another mystery suspense thriller and it will be the beginning of a trilogy/series.


My novels are plot-driven and also have strong characters. Both have main characters who are ordinary people. They are not government agents, spies, or professional advocates nor are they gun-toting police officers. They’re everyday people, in ordinary jobs, who become embroiled in a powerful conspiracy where lives hang in the balance. They must choose between their own safety and standing up for what is right.


My short stories  (have been published in anthologies and magazines) and they focus more on relationship issues.


Check out my books on the books page

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